Thursday, April 26, 2012

Nearest and Dearest


My family is similar to an energy drink which I imbibe everyday to have a purpose in living and continuing my life. My family is my source of strength. I owe my whole life to them. If it wasn’t because of my beloved parents, I wouldn’t have existed in this beautiful world. I wouldn’t have studied in a prestigious school. I wouldn’t have met my educated teachers and awesome classmates and friends. Above all, I wouldn’t have become the kind of person I am right now.

My family may not be the best and ideal family a child can ever ask for but I believe I am very contented of having them. I feel so fortunate because I have both my father and my mother with me unlike other kids who are raised by single parents only. There are others who are even physically and verbally abused by their parents. I thank God for giving me parents like what I have. It has come up to my mind already what might be the possibilities if I will be going to college already and get separated from my family. I always think it’s going to be fun since I am very excited to stay in Manila and live in a condominium with my very close friend. However, I still have the feeling of fear and panic whether I’m going to survive independence or not. I cannot imagine myself without my family. I even get very anxious and uneasy when I travel or go from one place to another like crossing the street without them. I guess I am just feeling this way because I really haven’t achieved my pure independence yet. I just need more experience and proper training. I consider a family to be your crying shoulder in times of grief and sorrow. They are around to comfort you and give you advice for your right decisions. I don’t really share all my problems to my family because I don’t want the issue to be a very big deal but I still try opening up to them. When I’m with my family, I feel secured and safe. I feel a lot more confident with everything I do when my family is there than with friends. My family has always encouraged me to do well in everything I do just like my studies. They don’t pressure me a lot when it comes to my studies. With their simple smiles and joy, I get very pleased and motivated to study more. They have always been my purpose of all the achievements I made in my life.

To be honest, my family has a lot of issues but I’m surprised we still stay together as one. We’ve been through a lot challenges and obstacles in life but here we are still continuing with our lives together and loving each other. I, myself have faced a lot of problems on my own but I don’t get easily affected because I know that even when the world will crumble down to pieces, I still have my family right next to me. They are my source of everything.

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