Thursday, April 26, 2012

Brought by the Heavens


Back in Year 2007
She was around a year old

It took more than 11 years for one of my long time prayers to be answered, which is to have my own little brother or sister. The gender didn’t really matter as long as I had a sibling of my own. I knew my father is the only child and it seemed very lonesome being alone. It just felt boring whenever I played by myself in the house without any playmate same as my age or younger than me. I’ve always remembered having our maids as my playmates, or even my dad. This is why I am very close to my dad especially when it comes to foolishness. I’d even get jealous of him whenever he gets my mom’s attention. He is like a brother to me.

Now, I have my little sister whom I can play with and have fun with.
Her name is very similar to mine,

Khristine Cee L. Montenegro

She was born on June 1, 2006. I was going to be Grade 5 at that time. She was supposed to be born around May 26-31 but then she was post-mature just like me when I was born. I wanted her to be born on May but I guess God preferred us not to have the same birth month. My mom gave birth in Eliza R. Ochoa Maternity Medical General Hospital, San Jose Street, Butuan City at exactly 11 o’clock in the morning. KC’s weight at birth was 7 lbs and 26 oz. I was totally excited to meet her. When we got to the hospital, I unhesitatingly gave notice to all about my mom’s delivery by texting everyone in my mother’s phonebook. I felt so happy and proud at that very moment, not even a glimpse of shame and embarrassment with what I did. We just stayed for a night in the hospital but I didn’t actually sleep the whole time we were there. I believe I was just not comfortable staying in the hospital and because of my new born little sister. Unfortunately, since my sister was post-mature, she had to stay in the hospital for a week. She was placed in the incubator and all I could do was peep in the Nursery Room. However, I still had the chance to touch her when we visit her in the hospital everyday for breastfeeding. I took so many pictures with her using my mom’s cellphone but I guess I have no remembrance left right now because the phone got reformatted.

The day she was finally brought home, I was very much pleased and eager. I wasn’t allowed to carry her because I was still very young at that time and my sister was still fragile. As she grew up and I grew up, I became more responsible in taking care of her and she became a lot more annoying. I can probably agree to others who are saying my sister is KD the Second. This is because in almost everything I do, she follows me. This could be a good thing or an annoying thing. Then when it comes to talent, especially in dancing, she can definitely groove into the beat. Our faces when we were still infants are quite similar too but I always say I’m way cuter than her. Furthermore, we can never be the same. My mom would always say that when I was the same as my sister’s age right now, I was kind, disciplined and very obedient. Very opposite to my sister who is naughty, annoying and demanding. I believe it just might be because of the environment where we grew up.

On her Pre-school Graduation
March 25, 2012
Despite all the negative characteristics of my sister, she still has the heart of an angel. Whenever she sees anyone of us feeling sick or weak, she would immediately get a damp cloth and wipe our foreheads. This is just one of many ways my little sister expresses her concern and love to us, besides by kissing and saying “I love you!” I truly love my sister no matter what because she is a blessing from God. I thought it was going to be impossible due to my mom’s age but then indeed, God is very kind. 

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